I am a registered dietitian with certifications in diabetes management and education, weight management, and integrative functional nutrition. I have extensive clinical experience in management and prevention of chronic diseases, including kidney disease, fatty liver, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes, and prediabetes. I also specialize in weight management, hormonal imbalance, autoimmune disease and gastrointestinal disorders. To help my patients achieve their goals and optimize health, I use a holistic, integrative approach that combines the nutritional wisdom of traditional and modern science with evidence-based lifestyle therapies which include the four pillars of health: diet, exercise, stress management and sleep hygiene as a holistic approach. My service is patient centered. I will conduct an in-depth assessment of your concerns and provide guidance and education. While working with you to develop dietary and lifestyle strategies tailored to your individual needs and preferences. I will also encourage and empower you to actively participate in shared decision-making regarding your treatment plan. Together, we work to improve your overall health and achieve your desired goals. I speak fluent Chinese Cantonese and Mandarin. I am an enthusiast of food therapies around the world. When I am not at work, you will likely find me in my kitchen cooking up a pot of nourishing herbal chicken soup.
我是一位註冊營養師,擁有糖尿病管理及衛教、體重管理和綜合功能營養學的認證,對於治理及預防慢性疾病如腎衰竭、脂肪肝、心血管疾病、代謝症候群、第1型、第2型和妊娠糖尿病以及糖尿病前期有著多年的臨床經驗。 我也擅長於體重管理、治理荷爾蒙失衡, 自體免疫疾病和胃腸道疾病等症狀。 為了幫助我的病人實現他們的目標並優化健康, 我採用全方位的綜合方法,將傳統和現代科學的營養智慧與基於辨證的生活方式療法相結合,其中包括健康的四大支柱:飲食、運動、壓力管理和睡眠衛生作為整體療法。 我的服務是以病人為中心。我會為您所關注的問題作深入評估, 提供指導和教育。我還將與您一起制定適合您個人需求和喜好的飲食與生活方式策略, 並鼓勵您積極參與有關您的治療計劃的共同決策。讓我們共同努力改善您的整體健康並實現您的理想目標。
我能說流利的粵語和普通話。 我熱衷於研究世界各地的食物療法。當我閒著的時候,你很可能會見到我在廚房裡興致勃勃地烹煮著一鍋滋補的藥材雞湯。
Aetna, Cigna, Golden Rule, Optum, Oxford, Select Health, United Healthcare, United Medical Resources (UMR)