Background: I graduated from San Jose State University in 2018 and finished my dietetic internship in 2019. I have been a practicing Registered Dietitian Nutritionist since 2020. I have always had a strong passion for food and nutrition since I was a child. Food is something that connects us all and has traveled from our deepest ancestral roots. Observing how food and proper nutrition affects our well-being on many different levels is what drove me toward my current profession. I strive to help others understand and adopt practices related to disease-specific nutrition, nutrition for optimal health, and general wellness. I gear my nutrition education and counseling to be specific to the individual(s), while being mindful of cultural, socioeconomical, and other differences that may affect their daily lives. Personal Background: I was born in Santa Cruz, CA. I mainly grew up in Santa Cruz County, but a good portion of my childhood was lived in a small town named Atwater, in Merced County. Hobbies and Interests: I love traveling and learning about different cultures’ histories and how that has shaped their food culture. I like trying new things but can’t say I’m exceptional at anything in particular. Some hobbies include: table tennis, indoor rock climbing, and wine tasting. What I'm Reading and Browsing: -Health at Every Size -An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States
Aetna, Cigna, Golden Rule, Optum, Oxford, Select Health, United Healthcare, United Medical Resources (UMR)